My goal is to turn every ugly banner into an iconic beautiful sign.

Nothing says temporary like a banner in front of a business. Now it's okay if you are trying to advertise that you will be opening soon, but come on,
if you are really serious about your business, put up a sign.

You need a sign that tells the public what your business is about, not something flopping in the wind that says
"if this doesn't work out, I'm out of here."

October 24, 2013

Tonight's the Night . . .

SEATTLE -- Just left the Restore the R party at the old Rainier Brewery.  It was packed with a huge crowd, all on hand to see one of Seattle's beloved icons return to it's rightful place. 

The Rainier "R" lit up the sky for nearly 50 years, and tonight, a 12-foot replica of the original Rainier R dangling from a crane, is ready to make a celebratory return. 

The original neon R that perched above what was once the sixth biggest brewery in the world, now rests restored at the Museum of History and Industry. 

Seattle sign company Western Neon - which made the neon green Tully's T - used old plans to recreate the new Rainier R. The team spent hours turning gas and glass into the light that will welcome travelers along I-5 into Seattle.

470 LED bulbs brighten the big R, twice the original number, and the bulbs are now on both sides.

It is so exciting to think about how many people over the next half century will see the R as they enter and leave Seattle.  The R will complete its return late Thursday night with a public unveiling. 

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