My goal is to turn every ugly banner into an iconic beautiful sign.

Nothing says temporary like a banner in front of a business. Now it's okay if you are trying to advertise that you will be opening soon, but come on,
if you are really serious about your business, put up a sign.

You need a sign that tells the public what your business is about, not something flopping in the wind that says
"if this doesn't work out, I'm out of here."

February 20, 2014

Shipwrecked in Wallingford

The Sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net forever.
                                                                           - Jacques Cousteau

A Seattle neighborhood "dive" bar watched over by a boozy Octopus.   You can't miss this new hangout, just watch for the beautiful neon sign with the octopus tentacle wrapped around an anchor!!

The Octopus Bar is on a mission to enhance Seattle's identity and become a treasured landmark! 

Owner/bartender Liza Danger, can transform your worst day into a day worth living with a simple smile and a few kind words.  Trevor, another owner, is a friendly spirit both in the bar and around town – wink, wink! 

Stop in and set sail for parts unknown.  

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