My goal is to turn every ugly banner into an iconic beautiful sign.

Nothing says temporary like a banner in front of a business. Now it's okay if you are trying to advertise that you will be opening soon, but come on,
if you are really serious about your business, put up a sign.

You need a sign that tells the public what your business is about, not something flopping in the wind that says
"if this doesn't work out, I'm out of here."

February 27, 2015

Old Fords and Neon Signs . . .

 The Michael Dingman Collection - NEON SIGNS AND OLD FORDS      
This was really interesting for me and a bit sad too when you consider people like this gentleman 
are regrettably becoming a thing of the past.  Dingman must have had a lot of loose change to get 
his collection together. He put his Ford and Neon Sign Collection up for auction in June 2013.

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