My goal is to turn every ugly banner into an iconic beautiful sign.

Nothing says temporary like a banner in front of a business. Now it's okay if you are trying to advertise that you will be opening soon, but come on,
if you are really serious about your business, put up a sign.

You need a sign that tells the public what your business is about, not something flopping in the wind that says
"if this doesn't work out, I'm out of here."

August 5, 2015

Remodeled Nike Store in Seattle - Now Open

Don't forget to look up when you visit Nike's redesigned Seattle store. A custom neon sculpture hangs from the ceiling of the second floor mezzanine.  

At the direction of Guild in LA and Nike, Western Neon fabricated and installed the 12 x 18 foot ceiling of Seattle icons at the totally remodeled store on 6th Avenue in downtown Seattle.  There is over 700 feet of neon and fifteen transformers in the sculpture, which can be seen from the street.  It is spectacular!!

It's one of several unique touches for the downtown store, which also features an art installation that honors the city's rabid football fans, known as the 12th man.

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